amazon reptiles
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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
False coral snake (Colombia)
Boa constrictor in defensive mode (Colombia)
Headshot of a rainbow skink (Colombia)
Juvenile caiman (Colombia)
Common green iguana (Iguana iguana) on a tree trunk in the Amazon rainforest (Colombia)
Black Caiman (Melanosucus niger) among water hyacinth (Colombia)
Anaconda with tongue extended (Colombia)
Rainbow Ameivas (Cnemidophorus deppei) in forest leaf litter in Parque Tayrona, Colombia (Colombia)
Colombian Green iguana (Iguana iguana) on a tree trunk in the Amazon (Colombia)
Green iguana swimming across a river (Colombia)
Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) in Colombia (Colombia)
Boa constrictor in defensive mode [co02-0107] (Colombia)
Male anole lizard displaying its bright orange dewlap (Peru)
False coral snake (Anilius scytale) (Colombia)
Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) (Colombia)
Anole lizard in the Amazon rainforest canopy (Colombia)
Fer de Lance (Bothrops asper) (Colombia)
Yellow and black Tiger Ratsnake (Spilotes pullatus). Identification by Anna Vittone (Colombia)
Tropical Rat Snake (Spilotes pullatus). Identification by Anna Vittone (Colombia)
Close up of the Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), the world's longest snake (Colombia)
Fer de Lance (Bothrops asper) viper (Colombia)
Green anaconda near a river edge in the Amazon (Colombia)
Juvenile caiman among water hyacinth (Colombia)
Green iguana in Colombia (Colombia)
Tiger Ratsnake (Spilotes pullatus). Identification by Anna Vittone (Colombia)
Anaconda (Colombia)
Lizard on a tree trunk (Colombia)
Green anole in Colombia (Colombia)
Rainbow Ameivas in Colombia (Colombia)
Cnemidophorus deppei lizard in Colombia (Colombia)
Boa constrictor in defensive mode [co02-0109] (Colombia)
Snake anti-venom (Colombia)
Large black caiman in an oxbow lake (Colombia)
Camouflaged grey anolis lizard high in the forest canopy of the Amazon (Colombia)
Boa constrictor in "strike" position (Colombia)
Anilius scytale coral snake (Colombia)
Rainbow skink (Colombia)
Brown Gonatodes humeralis gecko with red markings (Colombia)
False coral snake [co02-0146] (Colombia)
Anaconda in the Amazon (Colombia)
Rainbow Ameivas (Cnemidophorus deppei) in Colombia (Colombia)
South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) (Colombia)
Green anaconda underwater (Colombia)
Rainbow lizard (Colombia)
Blue-tailed skink in Tayrona (Colombia)
South American rattlesnake (Colombia)
Amazon tortoise (Colombia)
Green anole in Parque Tayrona (Colombia)
Headless and bloated anaconda corpse (Suriname)
Brown anole lizard in Colombia (Colombia)
Amazon race runner (Ameiva ameiva) in Peru (Peru)
Diaethria clymena butterfly with Marpesia butterflies (Peru)
Headless and bloated anaconda corpse (Suriname)
Turtle in the frontier town of Coca in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Ecuador)
Headless and bloated anaconda corpse (Suriname)
Captive adult green iguana (0)